Spielfilm, Saudi Arabia/Iraq 2019

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22.-30.4. In this fantasy film set in a dystopian landscape, Hayat (Basima Hajjar), a strong-willed girl, lives in a poor fishing village governed by a dark tradition in which every family must sacrifice one daughter to the sea creatures who inhabit the waters nearby. In turn, the sea creatures are hunted by the men of the village. Saved from this fate by her father, Hayat is considered a curse on the village and grows up as an outcast. Nevertheless, she does not surrender to this fate and fights for a place within her village. Scales tells the story of a young woman who courageously faces the patriarchal laws of a society which keeps on rejecting her.
76 min
FSK 18
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Shahad Ameen

Original language:



1.85:1 HD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 18

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The Movie Database