Divine Intervention

Spielfilm, France/Germany 2002

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22.-30.4. Nazareth is a city in the Middle East with a very ordinary everyday life. Tensions in the neighborhoud are sometimes high. People face problems and take matters into their own hands. A film director living in Jerusalem can only meet his loved one, who comes from Ramallah, at the checkpoint outside the city. These are the rules of the Israeli occupation. From a sharp comedy, Divine Intervention suddenly turns into an action film, in which the transformation of the female character into a ninja seems to be the only answer to the absurdity of everyday life. In his delirious film, Elia Suleiman looks at behavior patterns, aberrations and a lot of interpersonal relationships. Poetry, wit and love defy the adversities of life. With this film, a pacifist reacts to an untenable situation
90 min
FSK 12
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Elia Suleiman

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1.85:1 HD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 12

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The Movie Database