We Are From There

Dokfilm, France/Lebanon 2020

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22.-30.4. Jamil and Milad, two middle-class Syrian brothers in their mid-20s take a leap of faith and decide to escape their war-torn country to seek a better future. Jamil is a carpenter, Milad a musician. They both choose to illegally flee to Europe in the hope of rebuilding their lives. Their cousin, Wissam, decides to film their odysseys for over five years, following them from Damascus to Beirut, Berlin and Stockholm, and bringing back to life their happy childhood in Syria. In this tender and intimate film, Tanios questions the true meaning of “home” while exploring the human ability to cope with radical change. In cooperation with the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.
83 min
FSK 18
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Wissam Tanios

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1.85:1 HD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 18

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