The Party

United Kingdom 2017

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Janet has made it: she has been elected as the health minister in the shadow cabinet of the British House of Commons. She has worked towards it for years with the help of her husband Bill who gave up his position as a professor to help her. It’s a cause for celebration and the perfect occasion for a party. But something isn’t right with Bill. He sits apathetically in his chair, listening to his jazz records and emptying a bottle of wine while Janet prepares the food. Bill doesn’t move when the guests arrive which consist of: liberated April, who only dragged her spiritual boyfriend Gottfried to break up with him, lesbian couple Martha and Jinny who are expecting 3 children, but aren’t sure they can balance out kids with their need for freedom, and banker Tom, who was supposed to come with his girlfriend Marianne, but is a nervous wreck and is carrying a gun… Nothing goes as planned in this nice, bourgeois world. Director Sally Potter (ORLANDO) opens up many bottomless pits only to delightfully push her characters in them. THE PARTY is a joyful, lively boulevard comedy with biting dialogue, formally strict black and white images, and a fantastic ensemble. The farce was made in just 2 weeks in a London studio and Potter only needs a bit over an hour to completely destroy her characters. Potter’s regular cinematographer Aleksei Rodionov knows how to use the limited space well and the well-paced editing makes for a very entertaining 71 minutes that also mirrors contemporary British society. Lars Tunçay, Translation: Elinor Lewy (
71 min
FSK 12
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Anders Refn


Sally Potter


Sally Potter

Original title:

The Party

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1:2.35 HD, B/W

Age rating:

FSK 12

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